The Boston Amber Phamaceutical glass, the best quality for preservation of our tinctures, syrups, salves, & oils has gone up 50% in the last 2 years while our prices stayed the same. Glassware bottles for our lacto-fermented drinks went up 60% during the same time period! Costs for our recyclable pick-um half-pints, pints, & quarts for our berries, stone fruit, & mushrooms went up 37%. Add the expense of transportation and the Homestead has added a rougly 15% increase on most of our products. In reviewing the market prices here in Vermont, even after the increase, we will be 30% below the average prices of comparable products. On Wednesday evening, after returning from Southern Vt with two Bee nucs, I will be going into our item cart and increasing the prices. As a prorprietor , all monies go toward this business that is the solo income in maintaining the Homestead for home, child, and eventual savings at the end of the year. Probably one long term goal is getting slighly used EV vehicle for transportation to markets, deliveries, post office shipments…Right now I can assure you the quality of products will continue. That will never be compromised. All products made, harvested, slaughtered, at the homestead, or foraged in the area, is of the quality I would gladly use for self and family. I will keep offering the $20 Gift Certificates at all my markets through October. Remember they are good in person, on-line, and in the December-March delivery season in Chittenden County.